Tiger 3 on the day of its release hit the box office score with Rs. 44 Crores. The Day 1 collection was a decent start for the movie.
5th Day Collection
The fifth day collection goes to Rs 18.05 Crores which was relatively less than the 1st day collection.
7th Day Collection
Surpassing the above-mentioned figure, the 7th day collection was Rs. 18.75 Crores.
10th Day Collection
The 10th day collection of the box office was closed at Rs. 6.70 Crores which gradually decreased from the 7th day.
12th Day Collection
The movie closed the 12th day with an overall collection of Rs. 5.30 Crores.
15th Day Collection
Here, the movie witnessed a slight increase in the gross collection on the 15thday which was Rs. 6.81 Crores
18th Day Collection
The 18thDay collection of the movie was reported to be Rs. 2.21 Crores.
20th Day Collection
On the 20th day, the overall collection was at Rs. 1.20 Crores. However, the film was close to reaching Rs. 300 Crores here.
21st Day Collection
The 21stDay collection of the film was recorded at Rs. 1.50 Crores.
22nd Day Collection
Day 22nd collection of the movie was Rs. 0.1 Crores. The worldwide box office collection for Tiger 3 reached Rs. 457.81 Crores.
23rd Day Collection
Collection for the day 23 was Rs. 0.9 Crores. Overall, the movie crossed the 100 Crores club, and total worldwide box office gross collection for Tiger 3 was Rs. 463.
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