Nostradum predicted a serious climate catastrophe in 2024.

Violent storms, wildfires, and soaring temperatures will continue erupting in the coming year, according to Nostradum.

His predictions mentioned parched earth, great floods, and warnings about very great famine.

2024 holds tsunamis devastating agriculture that will lead to disease and starvation.

The clock is clicking for combat battle and naval confrontation of US with China.

A new Cold War between China and the United States is likely to occur in 2024, with China rising to global power.

As per the interpretation of his predictions, King Charles III might be forced to abdicate due to continuous attacks on himself and his second wife.

Nostradum also predicted the possibility of a new Pope in 2024. Since Pope Francis is in his mid-80s and facing health issues, it could come true.

In early 2025, Nostradamus predicted a massive eruption of Mount Etna in Italy.

Nostrudum writings are also said to include predictions about World War 3 in 2025.

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