You will be shocked to know the truth there is an interesting story behind the invention of Coca-Cola Company
An injured soldier was looking for an alternative to drugs and he made Coca Cola.
In 1865, Lieutenant Colonel John Pemberton was badly injured in the United States. To relieve his pain, he started taking drugs and became addicted to drugs.
Before joining the army, he worked in a pharmacy. He started looking for alternatives to get rid of his drug addiction. He continued to do research in pharmacy.
After a lot of hard work, Pemberton created a drink in 1886. Adding soda to it, people used this and they liked this drink.
In this drink, a recipe of coca leaf and caffeinated syrup from black walnuts was found. That's why the drink was named Coca-Cola.
The Coca-Cola formula was purchased in 1887 by businessman Griggs Candler, a pharmacist from Atlanta for $2,300.
It was first distributed for free to make people addicted to Coca Cola. When people used the drink, it became very popular.
By 1890, Coca-Cola had become the most popular drink in the United States. People used to drink this as a medicine for headache and to remove fatigue.