Keep Yourself Hydrated

Water is the main component to keep your skin healthy and moisturized. Have at least 3-4 litres of water every day.

Balanced Diet

Keep a check on your daily eating habits. Eat more fruits and veggies that keep your skin glowing. Avoid eating oily and junk food.

Apply Aloe-Vera Gel

Aloe-Vera refreshes your skin and gives it a natural glow. Apply it daily and rinse it off after it gets dry.

Carrot and Avocado Paste

Apply a paste of one delicate avocado, one cooked carrot, half a cup of cream, 1 egg, and a touch of honey all over and neck.


Make an easy exfoliate scrub at home by using almonds and walnuts. Apply it & and rinse it. It eliminates the top layer of dead skin cells.

Protect Yourself from the Sun

Do not forget to use sunscreen before leaving the house. UV radiation and pollution can damage your skin.

Get Proper Sleep

Improper sleeping patterns lead to dull and tired skin with dark circles. Hence, get a good 8 hours of sleep daily.

Use Turmeric and Besan Ubtan

Take a spoonful of besan and a pinch of turmeric. Add a little water/curd to make a thick paste and apply it all over the face and neck. Besan and Turmeric offer a natural glow to the skin.

Use Cucumber

Cucumber and Skin go hand in hand. Cucumber contains nourishing and moisturizing properties that keep your skin fresh, bright, and glowing.

Moisturize and Nourish

Know your skin type and apply the moisturizer that best suits you to keep your skin nourished and hydrated.

The tips given in this topic are only for your knowledge.  For any medical treatment, you should take prescription from your specialist.

NEXT: 10 Health Benefits of Eating Peanuts in Morning During Winter