Up Police Constable Exam Admit Card 2024: The written examination of UP Police Constable Recruitment will be held on 17 and 18 February in all the districts of the state. According to Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) DG Renuka Mishra, the exam will be held in four shifts over two days.
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Up Police Constable Exam Admit Card 2024: The written examination of UP Police Constable Recruitment will be held on 17 and 18 February in all the districts of the state. According to Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) DG Renuka Mishra, the exam will be held in four shifts over two days.
PrimeNewsly, UP Police Constable Exam Update: The link to download the admit card of UP Police Constable Recruitment 2023 has been released. Candidates can download their admit card from the UPPBPB website uppbpb. gov. in. The UP Police Constable Recruitment exam is scheduled to be held on February 17-18. A total of 4817441 candidates will appear in the exam. For this, 2377 centres have been set up. In case of any problem, candidates can contact the help desk at 044-477490.
The written examination of UP Police Constable Recruitment will be held on 17 and 18 February in all the districts of the state. According to Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) chief DG Renuka Mishra, the exam will be held in four shifts over two days. 1204360 candidates will appear for the exam in each shift. Control rooms have been set up in every district for the successful conduct of the examination. Apart from this, two control rooms have been set up at the headquarters. The real-time monitoring of the examination will be done from these control rooms.
Step 1: Candidates can get the admit card from the Up police official website uppbpb.gov.in
Step 2: Then click on the Notice tab on the home page.
Step 3: Now click on the admit card download link for the posts of Reserve Civil Police in Uttar Pradesh Police.
Step 4: Then enter your login id and password and then submit the application
Step 5: Now get the candidate's admit card,
Step 6: Finally, take a print out of the admit card.
300 questions will have to be solved in two hours, there will also be minus marking the written exam to be held on February 17 and 18 will be held in four subjects. The written exam will have 150 questions from general knowledge, general Hindi, numerical and mental ability, mental aptitude and logical ability. The OMR based question paper will be of 300 marks. Two hours will be given for this. Two marks will be awarded for the correct answer. For each wrong answer, 0.5 marks will be awarded.
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Around 50.14 lakh applications have been made for the UP Police recruitment. A total of 48,17, 441 candidates will appear for the written examination. Of these, 15 Lakh are women, the recruitment drive is being conducted for a total of 60244 posts. Of these, 12 lakh are reserved for women. Among men, there are 83 contenders for one post and 125 for women for 1 post.
Ishika Jha IIIT Bhagalpur: Ishika Jha, who is from Haryana, has studied B.Tech Computer Science third year at the Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Bhagalpur. Recently she has given an offer of the job with a unique package, which is worth Rs 83 lakhs.
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