Surya Grahan 2024: Solar Eclipse Timing, What to Do or What not to Do?

Surya Grahan 2024: Surya Grahan 2024: A rare coincidence is forming on the solar eclipse after 54 years, know its effect.

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  • After 54 years, the solar eclipse on April 8 is going to bring many rare coincidences together.
  • What should not do during Solar eclipse? (Surya Grahan 2024).
  • What to do in the solar eclipse? (Surya Grahan 2024). Also, Solar Eclipse 2024 Time in India.

Surya Grahan 2024: Solar Eclipse Timing, What to Do or What not to Do?

Surya Grahan 2024: This solar eclipse will be long, which will be about 5 hours and 25 minutes. The first solar eclipse of the year is going to take place on Chaitra Amavasya on April 08. This solar eclipse will take place on the new moon day of Chaitra month. Let's know everything about this solar eclipse.

Surya Grahan 2024: The first solar eclipse of the year in a rare coincidence

Surya Grahan 2024: After 54 years, the solar eclipse on April 8 is going to bring many rare coincidences together.
This solar eclipse on April 8 will be the longest solar eclipse after 50 years. The eclipse will last for about 5 hours and 25 minutes.
It will be a total solar eclipse. Such a coincidence is being formed after 54 years. The first such event was held in 1970.
When the solar eclipse will take place on April 8, there will be darkness on the earth for some time during this time. That is, the sun will completely disappear during the eclipse. As a result, the day will be dark.

The comet star will also be clearly visible during this solar eclipse.

In the parts of the world where this solar eclipse will take place, Venus and Jupiter present in the solar system will also be seen.

How to views Solar Eclipse (Surya Grahan 2024)

The solar eclipse should never be viewed with the naked eye, otherwise the harmful rays emanating from it can damage your eyes forever. A special type of optical instrument should always be used to view the solar eclipse. You can see it with a telescope. It does not affect the sun's rays.

What should not do during Solar eclipse? (Surya Grahan 2024)

It is believed that the harmful rays of the sun contaminate food, which can have a bad effect on health. Food should not be cooked or eaten during the eclipse.  One should avoid touching the idol of God during the eclipse. Pregnant women need to be especially careful. They should not use any sharp object. Tulsi, peepal and banyan trees should not be touched during this period.

What to do in the solar eclipse? (Surya Grahan 2024)

During solar eclipse, add tulsi leaves to water in cooked food. After the end of the solar eclipse, first take a bath with basil leaves in water. After the solar eclipse, one can donate money, food milk, curd, clothes, and sugar. Sprinkle Gangajal water in the house after ending the solar eclipse.

Where will solar eclipse be visible? Solar Eclipse 2024 Time in India

Solar Eclipse 2024 visible in India: This eclipse will not be seen in India. The eclipse will be visible in North America, South America, Europe, Australia, much of North America, South America, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Antarctica.

Time of Solar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse 2024 Time in India

Solar Eclipse 2024 Time: This solar eclipse on April 8 will be the longest solar eclipse after 50 years. The eclipse will last for about 5 hours and 25 minutes. From the religious point of view, Sutak is not considered auspicious. This solar eclipse will not be visible in India. On a solar eclipse, the Sutak period occurs 12 hours before the eclipse begins. Both Sun and Rahu will be present in the Revati Nakshatra during the solar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse in Pisces 2024

According to astrology, on this day, the Moon, Venus and Rahu will be in conjunction with the Sun. The solar eclipse on April 8 will take place in Pisces and Revati Nakshatra. Pisces is the zodiac sign of Jupiter, which is the friend of the Sun.

Surya Grahan Effects on Zodiac Signs (Surya Grahan 2024)

According to astrology, a solar eclipse has a positive or negative impact on all zodiac signs. The solar eclipse on April 8 is going to be very auspicious for Taurus, Capricorn, Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius people. By the grace of the sun, these zodiac signs will get good results. On the other hand, this solar eclipse will be very inauspicious for people with Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces zodiac signs. They should be given special attention.

Disclaimer: At PrimeNewsly, We do not claim that the information given above in this article is completely true and accurate. Before applying  and considering them, you should consult a specialist near you.

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