Control Cholesterol Using This Home Remedy: Suggested by Baba Ramdev

Cholesterol can be the enemy of the heart, eat garlic to control it, Baba Ramdev tells how According to Ayurvedic expert Baba Ramdev, if you are seeing symptoms of cholesterol in your body, then immediately take help of indigenous recipes to control it.

Control Cholesterol Using This Home Remedy: Suggested by Baba Ramdev

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Feature of the story

  • Tips to control cholesterol using garlice.
  • Garlic helps to Control Cholesterol.
  • How to consume garlic to control cholesterol.

  • 1
    • How to control cholesterol
    • Garlic Benefits


Cholesterol is a fatty substance produced by the liver, the increase of which is dangerous for the heart. Cholesterol is a problem that plagues most people. A poor diet and lifestyle can increase the risk of heart disease if left unchecked. Consuming certain foods can increase your cholesterol levels.

High intake of red meat, full-fat dairy products, processed foods, fast food and tropical oils in the diet leads to an increase in cholesterol levels. Consuming certain animal products such as organ meats, shellfish, and egg yolks can increase cholesterol levels in the diet.

As the level of cholesterol increases, its symptoms are clearly visible on the skin. The appearance of a yellowish bulge on the skin of the face, cheeks and forehead can be a sign of high cholesterol. These symptoms can also appear on the hips, elbows, hands, and knees.

According to Ayurvedic expert Baba Ramdev, if you are seeing symptoms of cholesterol in your body, then control it immediately.. Take garlic in a special way to control cholesterol.. Cholesterol can be easily controlled by consuming garlic.. Raw garlic contains allicin compound which has a magical effect in controlling cholesterol and diluting blood.।

Cholesterol can be easily controlled by consuming a few buds of garlic with a glass of water in the morning. Let's know from Baba Ramdev how to consume garlic to control cholesterol.

To control cholesterol, you can take 7-8 buds of garlic and peel them. Cut the garlic cloves in half. Now take some cow ghee in a pan and heat it on the pan. Add the garlic cloves to the butter and melt over low heat. Roast and extract these buds and consume them daily to keep cholesterol under control and heart health.

According to experts, consuming garlic buds daily strengthens immunity. People who are overweight can easily control their weight if they consume garlic. People whose immunity is weak, if they consume garlic daily, it will be beneficial for health. For the patients of arthritis the consumption of garlic has an effect like medicine. Consuming garlic detoxifies the body.

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